Friday 11.26.21 at Owl (Tecolote) Playa


Kurt stepped out early this morning to watch the difference in the weather and the brave kite boarder doing magnificent moves across and waves and back. 

      Our weather change happened last night. It was foretold by the strong breeze off the water last night during our get together.  This breeze usually dies down at sunset but last night it continued even as we went to bed. It was an odd night. At about 11 or so, Tucker awakened us with a low growl, he reserves for important alerts. I turned on the light, saw two men walking the beach at the back of the trailer. It was most probably an innocent stroll but, for the first time since we came to Mexico, we got the news that we needed to be more aware of the things we leave outside our trailers as some campers had had somethings disappear. One of our group found their tailgate open in the morning after they had certainly closed it the night before. Nothing has come up missing so far and our RV camps have always been relatively safe as we park together and can keep an eye on each other. Our dogs are always, or mostly always, on watch during the night, alerting us to anyone near our trailers. 

     At about 1:00, the rain came. It came in big juicy drops that sounded almost continuous on our roof top and the wind was strong. We often sleep with just the screen door closed and curtain drawn so I had to venture out to close our main door. With just that little time in it, I was drenched and had to dry off before returning to bed. Actually, it was nice hearing rain come down from the heavens as we hear it too seldom in California. 

When we awoke about 5:30 this morning, the rain had stopped, big puddles stood on top of the packed sand around us, and the wind was so strong our windsock poles were bending to its strength. A new camper with a young couple had come in next to our group during the night in a little van. He was out early with his camera and later, showed us some great windsurfing on the water near us. He was so proficient with his sport that he could harness the wind and move far out and across and weave back toward the beach, all the time in control of a huge sail. It was beautiful to watch. We have seen several young couples both enjoying each other and the beaches. Sometimes they are just in tents, one had a tent on top of a regular sedan, others like today’s couple have small vans. Last night, we saw a photographer working with a couple dressed in their wedding clothing. He photographed them standing in the water on the beach with the lavender infused sky behind them. Practical mom’s watching said, how are they going to clean the hem of that white wedding dress which was in the water at least 4 inches, in time for the wedding. Such practicalities should have no place among such beauty. 

     Rain has continued all day, not as heavily as last night but off and on with heavy cloud cover. Everyone seems to be using this as a rest day reading, playing cards and napping it seems except for Liz and Bill who went hiking and Greg and Ann who are off exploring.  As a sadness today as we suspect someone dropping off a litter of very young puppies at our camp. Dave said he saw someone cruising slowly, pointed at Liz and Bill’s RV, went around it, slowed and then left fairly quickly. Two went off following a man, hopefully, though he didn’t seem to heed their tiny cries. We have not seen them since. One ended up under Liz and Bill’s RV crying pitifully. Dave heard it and gathered up and took it up to the restaurants and boat rental place where one man said he would take it. It was so hard to hear the puppy’s fear and loneliness. None of us could really take it with our schedule and it will need vet care and shots as soon as possible. We all hope the local man who took it gives it that care.  Hoping the rain lets up today so our way out begins to dry. It is not a good sign when we are seeing some hot shot jeepers try get their rig out of sand along the beach. They finally got it unstuck and will perhaps heed the sign, “do not drive on the beach!”

